Top 10 Essential Oils for Migraines & Headaches Banner

Top 11 Essential Oils for Migraines

Do you suffer from tension headaches or migraines? If so, you know how debilitating they can be. Traditional medications often come with a host of adverse side effects, and sometimes they don’t even work. This is where use of essential oils can come in handy. Essential oils are natural, plant-based remedies that can provide relief for a variety of health issues, including headaches and migraines. They have been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat different types of headaches. In this guide, we will discuss the best essential oils for migraines as well as the best ways to use them.


Essential Oils for Migraines
Essential Oils for Migraines

Essential oils are natural, plant-based remedies that can provide relief for a variety of health issues, including headaches and migraines.

They work as headache treatments by being absorbed through the skin when applied with a carrier oil or when diffused and inhaled as in aromatherapy. This helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

They are becoming an increasingly popular headache treatment as more people look for natural remedies to treat headache pain.

What essential oils help with migraines?

There are a number of different essential oils for migraines. Some of the best oils to use as alternative remedies for migraine pain include lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

Migraine Symptoms

Essential Oils for Migraines - Migraine Symptoms
Migraine Symptoms

Migraine Symptoms can vary from person to person but some common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea And Vomiting
  • Sensitivity To Light And Sound
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Mood Swings

Common Causes of Migraine and Stress Headache

It is important to identify if there are any underlying conditions or a root cause causing your headache symptoms or migraine triggers as this can determine which essential oils to use for best results. It also helps you avoid a headache trigger in the future and identify the kind of headache pain you’re experiencing. There are a number of common causes of migraines, including:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Muscle Tension
  • Hormonal changes
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Bright lights or loud noises
  • Poor circulation
  • Excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption
  • Dehydration
  • Sinus pressure

If you believe the cause of your headache could be related to stress then you may find our post with 11 relaxation blends helpful.

THE BEST essential oils for stress headache AND migraine RELIEF

You may be wondering what essential oils are good for migraines? As we mentioned, there are a number of different essential oils that can be used for headache and migraine relief. Below are some of our favourite essential oils for migraines:

Lavender Essential Oil

Essential Oils for Migraines - Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils for migraines and stress headaches. This oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, which can help to ease head pain.

Lavender oil positively affects the nervous system by reducing anxiety, stress, and cortisol levels. Additionally, the soothing scent of lavender oil can help to improve sleep quality and duration. It also has a calming effect on the mind and body, which can help to relieve tension headaches and migraines.

One study found that inhalation of lavender essential oil was effective in reducing the frequency, intensity, and duration of headaches and migraines.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is a great essential oil for headaches and migraines. Peppermint oil is known for its cooling and refreshing properties, which can help to ease head pain. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil and apply to pulse points and temples for a wonderfully cooling effect.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Essential Oils for Migraines - Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is also effective for headaches and migraines.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help to reduce swelling.

This can be helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with migraines and headaches.

It is also a good choice for a tension-type headache caused by sinus issues due to it’s ability to clear nasal passages and relieve sinus pressure.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is a popular essential oils for migraines and cluster headache attacks. It has a soothing and calming effect, which can help to relieve pain and inflammation. Chamomile tea is also a great option for stress relief and anxiety which are common causes of headaches.

Ginger Essential Oil

Essential Oils for Migraines - Ginger Essential Oil
Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and pain associated with migraines and headaches.

Ginger is also known to reduce nausea, which can be a symptom of migraine headaches.

Additionally it can help to improve circulation, which can provide further relief for headaches and migraines.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary oil is another of the most effective essential oils for migraines and headache relief. It has a stimulating effect, which can help to improve blood circulation and provide relief from pain. Additionally, rosemary oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and inflammation associated with migraines and headaches.

Basil Essential Oil

Essential Oils for Migraines - Basil Essential Oil
Basil Essential Oil

Basil essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and pain associated with migraines and headaches.

Additionally, basil oil is known to have a calming effect, which can help to relieve tension and stress.

This can be helpful in preventing headaches and migraines.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and pain associated with migraines and headaches. Additionally, frankincense oil is known for its ability to improve blood circulation, which can provide further relief for headaches and migraines.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot oil is known to have a calming effect, which can help to relieve tension and stress. This can be helpful in preventing headaches and migraines. Additionally, bergamot oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and inflammation associated with migraines and headaches.

Citrus Oils

Citrus oils, such as lemon, orange, and grapefruit, have a refreshing and uplifting scent that can help to reduce stress and tension. These oils are also known for their powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the swelling and pain associated with migraines and headaches. Additionally, citrus oil is known to improve blood flow, which can provide further relief for headaches and migraines.

Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oils for Migraines - Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is a great option if you have a headache or migraine. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has been used for centuries in the treatment of many health conditions including headaches, migraines, and arthritis.

If you are unsure which oil is right for you, speak with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare provider. They will be able to help you choose an oil based on your individual needs.

HOW TO USE essential oils for migraines AND headache RELIEF

There are a number of different ways to use essential oils for migraines. The most popular way is to add a few drops of the oil to a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil. Then, apply the mixture to your temples or back of the neck and massage it in. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath or essential oil diffuser to inhale the vapours.

For tension headaches, mix lavender oil with a carrier oil and massage it into the temples for pain relief and stress reduction.

For migraines, mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the forehead and temples. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a diffuser or bathtub to help relieve pain.

If you are experiencing sinus headaches try mixing a combination of peppermint oil and eucalyptus with coconut oil to make a chest rub. This can help to clear nasal passages and improve sleep quality if blocked sinuses are the reason for your headache.

How to use Essential Oils for Migraines
Diffusing Essential Oils for Migraines

Remember to start with a small amount of essential oil when using them for the first time and increase as needed.

Even though essential oils are a natural remedy they can still cause an allergic reaction.

Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before topical application. If you have any adverse reactions, or notice any skin irritation, stop using the essential oils immediately.


While there are many effective essential oils for migraines there are a few essential oils that should be avoided if you have a headache or migraine. These include:

  • Cinnamon oil
  • Clove oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Thyme oil

Cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and thyme oils can all increase blood pressure and should be avoided if you have a headache or migraine. If you do use these oils, start with a small amount and increase slowly as needed.

Artificial or strong scents should be avoided if you have a headache or migraine as they can make symptoms worse.


If you suffer from frequent headaches there are a few things you can do to prevent headaches and migraines with essential oils. Day to day use of aromatherapy can go a long way to reducing headache severity and reliance on headache medications for sufferers.

  • Use lavender oil to reduce stress and tension.
  • Use peppermint oil to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Use eucalyptus oil to improve circulation and reduce swelling.
  • Use bergamot essential oil to reduce tension and relieve stress.
  • Avoid using cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and thyme oils if you have a headache or migraine.

FAQS ABOUT USING essential oils for migraines AND headache RELIEF

Q: Can essential oils help with tension headaches?

A: Yes, essential oils can help with tension headaches. Lavender oil is particularly effective for this type of headache.

Q: What is the best way to use essential oils for migraines?

A: The best way to use essential oils for migraines is to mix them with a carrier oil and apply them to the forehead, neck, pulse points or temples. You can also add a few drops of diluted oil to a diffuser or hot bath to help relieve pain.

Q: Are there any side effects of using essential oils for headaches and migraines?

A: There are no known side effects of using essential oils for headaches and migraines. However, if you have any adverse reactions, stop using the essential oils immediately.

Q: Can I use essential oils for migraines if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

A: If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before using essential oils.

Q: What are the best essential oils for headaches and migraines?

A: The best essential oils for headaches and migraines include lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil.

TIPS FOR USING essential oils for migraines SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY

When choosing an essential oil, it is important to choose high quality and pure essential oils. This will ensure that they are effective and safe to use.

It is also important to remember that everyone responds differently to essential oils. What works for one person may not work for another. It is important to experiment with different oils and find the one that works best for you.

If you are new to using essential oils, it is always a good idea to start with a small amount and increase as needed. This will help to prevent any adverse reactions.

Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before topical use – never use undiluted essential oils directly on your skin or in your diffuser. This will help to prevent irritation and adverse effects. Some of the best carrier oils for headaches and migraines include jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and almond oil.

Essential oils are a safe and effective way to treat headaches and migraines. When used correctly, they can provide relief from pain and inflammation. Be sure to choose the right essential oils for your specific needs and always dilute them with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin.

If you’re looking for a natural way to help ease your migraines, you may want to try using essential oils. Although there is little scientific research on the subject, some small studies have shown that certain essential oils may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches.